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Custom Order Number for OroCommerce


4.1 and higher

Custom Order Number for OroCommerce : From back-end you can push you custom pattern template to generate a custom order indentifier - number , you have ability to set your custom variables for example counter or prefix date ... or random number


Custom Order Number for OroCommerce : From back-end you can push you custom pattern template to generate a custom order indentifier - number , you have ability to set your custom variables for example counter or prefix date ... or random number .
You can use: [d],[dd],[m],[mm],[yy],[yyyy],[counter],[rndLetters],[rndNumbers],[rndAlphanumeric]. Example: ORD-[mm][yy]-[counter]-[storeId] => ORD-0517-00081-1.

Custom Order Number for OroCommerce suport to :

  • Start Counter From
  • Counter Icrements: If the last counter number is 005 and you fill in this field number "4", the next counter number well be 009.
  • Number Counter Padding: Total number of digits of the [counter] variable. if you set this field is 4 and the counter is 23, the counter number displayed well be 0023.

The custom number rsult implemented for back-end and fron-tend.